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英才学习2年前 (2021-10-28)语法3288

不定式to do的用法

一、不定式to do做主语

(一)to do 可以做主语

to see is to believe. 眼见为实。

to walk is good for health. 走路有利健康。

to have good health is extremely important. 身体健康是极其重要的。

(二)不定式作主语较正式,常用it作形式主语, 结构常为:

1.it is adj. (for/of sb.) to do sth. 

it is useful to ask your mother for some advice. 征求你母亲的意见是有用的。

(真正主语to ask your mother for some advice,形式主语it)

it is wrong to be rude. 没礼貌是不对的。

it is good to love many things. 热爱很多事物是好的。

it is easy for me to learn english. 对于我来说,学习英语是容易的。(easy是表示客观情况,所以me前用for)

it is clever of you to do so. 你这样做是聪明的。(clever是表示人本身的特点,所以you前用of)

2.it is n. to do sth. 

it is your duty to take care of your baby. 照顾好你的小孩是你的责任。

it is my job to make sure you have everything you need. 确保满足你的一切需要是我的职责。

it is my honor to be invited to the wedding. 受邀参加婚礼是我的荣幸。

3.it takes (sb.) 时间 to do sth.  

it took me two hours to finish the homework. 完成作业花了我两小时。

it takes four years to finish college education. 完成大学教育需要四年。

it will take you four hours to get to florida. 到弗罗里达将花费你四小时。

二、to do可以做动词的宾语


she forgot to lock the door. 她忘记锁门了。

he begins to understand the truth. 他开始明白真相。

they decided to buy the house. 他们决定买这房子。

the prisoner managed to escape. 囚犯设法逃跑了。

the woman offered to help us. 这女士提出要帮助我们。


find/think/consider/believe/make… it 宾语补足语 不定式(真正宾语)

we find it difficult to understand. 我们觉得这难以理解。

they think it a great idea to buy a present for you. 他们觉得给你买礼物是个好主意。

you make it impossible for us to trust you. 你让我们无法信任你。

(三)接to do做宾语的动词有哪些?

接to do做宾语的动词现列举如下:

afford   agree  aim  appear  arrange  ask 

attempt  be able  beg  begin  bother

care   choose  claim  condescend

consent  continuedare  decide

demand  determine  deserve

detest  dislike  expect  endeavor

fail  forget  get  guarantee

happen  hasten  have  hesitate

hope  hurry  intend  leap

learn  leave  like  long

love  manage  mean  neglect

offer  ought  plan  prefer  prepare

pretend  proceed  promise

propose  prove  refuse

resolve  remember  say

seek  seem  shoot

start  stop  strive  swear  threaten

try  use  undertake  volunteer  vow

wait  want   wish


she agreed to work with him. 她同意与他共事。

he began to feel uncomfortable soon after dinner. 晚饭过后不久他开始感到不舒服。

the population continues to grow.人口持续增长。


attempt, begin, continue, deserve, hate, like, love, prefer, start

it started to rain.= it started raining. 开始下雨。

三、to do修饰名词

1. to do可以修饰名词,作定语,相当于形容词的作用。

march is the time to plant trees. 三月是植树的时间。

she has a wedding to attend. 她要参加一个婚礼。

he was the first man to walk in outer space. 他是第一个在外太空漫步的人。

2. 不定式作定语时,与其所修饰的名词通常可为主谓关系或动宾关系:

she is the first one to arrive at the office. 她是第一个到办公室的人。

(主谓关系:the first one arrives at the office. 即表示主语执行的动作)

she has a story to tell. 她有话要说。

(动宾关系,即表示a story作 to tell的宾语:tell a story)

3. 不定式还常修饰以下类别的词:

a.表示方向、原因、时间等的抽象名词 (如:time, reason, way等)

march is the time to plant trees. 三月是植树的时间。

give me one reason to stay here. 给我一个留在这里的理由。

this is the right way to do it. 这是做这事的正确方式。

b.被修饰的名词前带有序数词、形容词最高级时(如:the first to arrive, the craziest thing to do)

he was the first man to walk in outer space. 


四、to do修饰不定代词

to do可以修饰不定代词,作定语,相当于形容词的作用。

to do常修饰不定代词something, nothing, little, much, a lot等 (如:have something to do, have little to do)

we have nothing to say. 我们没什么可说的。

(to say修饰不定代词nothing)

(to say与nothing之间是动宾关系,nothing作动词to say的宾语)

he has something to do. 他有事要做。

(to do修饰something)

(to do与something之间是动宾关系,something作动词to do的宾语)

she is looking for someone to talk to. 她正在找人说话。

(to talk to修饰不定代词someone)

(to talk to与someone之间是动宾关系,someone作to talk to的宾语)






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