有关spring的习语 -凯发k8注册登录
spring into action
"spring into action" 意味着迅速采取行动或立即开始做某事。这个表达强调了行动的迅速性和决断力,通常用于描述在紧急或关键时刻迅速行动的情况。
这个短语的起源可以追溯到英语中的 "spring"(弹簧)这个词。它暗示了行动的迅速和有力,就像弹簧一样迅速弹起。
when the fire alarm went off, the firefighters sprang into action and quickly extinguished the fire.(当火警响起时,消防员迅速采取行动,迅速扑灭了火势。)
the team was losing, but in the final minutes, they sprang into action and scored three goals.(这个团队一直处于落后,但在最后几分钟,他们迅速行动起来,打进了三个进球。)
when the boss announced a new project, everyone in the office sprang into action to meet the deadline.(当老板宣布一个新项目时,办公室里的每个人都迅速行动起来,以满足截止日期。)
as soon as she heard the news, she sprang into action and started making phone calls to organize the event.(一听到消息,她立刻行动起来,开始打电话组织活动。)
spring fever
"spring fever" 最常见的含义是指春季到来时人们感到兴奋、活力充沛的状态。这种情绪常常与春天的阳光、温暖和新生活的开始相关联。 另一种含义是指春季时人们感到疲倦、无精打采或缺乏动力的状态。这种情况可能是由于季节变化、花粉过敏或身体适应新的气候环境所致。
- i always get spring fever when the weather starts to warm up. i just want to go outside and enjoy the sunshine.(天气开始变暖时,我总是会感到春意盎然。我只想出去享受阳光。)
- she couldn't focus on her work because she had a bad case of spring fever.(她无法集中精力工作,因为她患上了严重的春困。)
- after a long winter, everyone in the office had spring fever and couldn't wait for the weekend to go hiking.(经过漫长的冬天,办公室里的每个人都感到春意盎然,迫不及待地等待周末去远足。)
- the allergies made her feel exhausted and gave her a case of spring fever.(过敏让她感到筋疲力尽,导致她出现了春困的症状。)
a spring in one's step
"a spring in one's step" 意味着一个人走路时显得轻快、有活力和自信。这个表达通常用于形容一个人的精神状态良好、充满动力和积极向前的样子。
- "a spring in one's step" 是一种口语表达,通常用于非正式的场合。
- 它用于描述一个人走路时的姿态和状态,暗示他们充满自信、精力充沛和积极向前。
- after getting a promotion, john had a spring in his step as he walked into the office.(约翰在升职后走进办公室时,步履轻快,充满自信。)
- she had just won a marathon, and there was definitely a spring in her step as she crossed the finish line.(她刚刚赢得了一场马拉松比赛,当她越过终点线时,步履轻快,充满自信。)
- despite the challenges, sarah faced them with a spring in her step and a positive attitude.(尽管面临挑战,莎拉步履轻快,态度积极地面对。)
- the good news put a spring in his step, and he couldn't stop smiling all day.(好消息让他步履轻快,整天都笑逐颜开。)
spring to mind
"spring to mind" 意味着某个想法、记忆或概念突然出现在脑海中,通常是作为第一个或最明显的选择。这个表达用于描述思考过程中某个东西的突然涌现,通常是因为与当前讨论或情境相关。
- when i think of italian cuisine, pizza and pasta immediately spring to mind.(当我想到意大利美食时,披萨和面食立刻浮现在脑海中。)
- when asked about her favorite book, jane replied, "to kill a mockingbird" springs to mind right away.(当被问及她最喜欢的书时,简回答说,《杀死一只知更鸟》立刻浮现在脑海中。)
- when brainstorming ideas for the project, several possibilities sprang to mind.(在为项目进行头脑风暴时,脑海中涌现出几个可能性。)
- the mention of his name brought back memories that had long been forgotten, and a flood of emotions sprang to mind.(提到他的名字唤起了长期被遗忘的记忆,涌动的情绪在脑海中浮现。)
spring to life
"spring to life" 意味着某物或某人从一种静止、沉寂或无生气的状态中突然变得活跃、有生气或有活力。这个表达用于描述某个事物或人在某种刺激或影响下迅速变得充满活力、焕发生机。
- as soon as the music started, the party sprang to life with dancing and laughter.(音乐一响起,派对立刻活跃起来,人们跳舞、笑声不断。)
- the garden, once dull and lifeless, sprang to life with vibrant flowers and buzzing insects.(曾经沉闷无生气的花园因为鲜花和蜜蜂的嗡嗡声而焕发生机。)
- the team was losing, but with the arrival of their star player, they suddenly sprang to life and turned the game around.(球队一度落后,但是当他们的明星球员到场后,突然活力四溢,扭转了比赛的局势。)
- the old building was renovated and transformed into a vibrant art gallery, springing to life with creativity and culture.(这座老建筑经过翻新,变成了一个充满创意和文化的活力艺术馆。)